Giving Back

As part of our commitment towards Qabeela's corporate social responsibility in 2017 our team flew to the remote city of” Skardu” , set within the stunning Himalayan range of mountains in Pakistan to provide its 6000 + population clean water.

After running multiple tests on the  local water which people were gathering from running mountain streams, it was evidently not fit for human consumption containing dangerously high levels  in E-Coli and in some streams traces of arsenic .

On meeting various doctors in the main hospital, 80% of illnesses & deaths in the community were caused by unhygienic & un-sanitised water borne diseases leading to kidney failure, gastroenteritis amongst children & adults as well as miscarriages, which was impacting their small community severely.

We visited 4 schools and saw children drinking tap water from un-sanitised sources. Hospitals too were struggling with the same issue as were a small community of  helpless elderly, homeless and disabled many who had stories to tell of losing loved ones to severe infections & diseases.

We decided to set up 6 high Volumatic water filtration plants in each of the locations we visited along with creating an awareness of the importance of clean water as opposed to drawing water from the mountain springs.

After the wonderful success of our first project, we hope to continue to serve different communities in various countries and  required projects through every sale made on Qabeela.

Every purchase made by you has & will continue to help the less fortunate making your Qabeela outfit worthy of an applause .

Thank you for being part of the initiative.